Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Just Keep Swimming.........

There is a lovely scene in the movie “Finding Nemo” of Dory, swimming along the channel and singing to herself “Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming….”

How easily this little mantra can be adapted to finding a job. I particularly relate to the positive message in reminding yourself that if you keep going you will reach your goal, whatever that may be.

When it comes to job interviews, the more the better. Practice makes perfect so the first interview you might go for will most likely not be the one that lands you a job. I was given some very sound advice when I first started my job search career (yes, this is now my full time job), to apply for roles that I was over-qualified for or not interested in - purely to get an interview for practice.

The first interview I went for I was so nervous even though I didn’t really want the job. I stumbled over my words, I forgot important skills I could offer and I literally acted like “Dory” with memory lapses and dotty response. In the coming interviews my technique improved dramatically because I practiced.

I like Dory the character, she swims with sharks! While she may seem to be a little dotty, she’s actually quite focused and insightful. 

I’m enjoying the swim.

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