Friday, January 13, 2012

The Spider in the Network

A spiderweb is an amazing structure made by one spider. Intricate and strong and very well connected. It can withstand rain and sunshine while protecting the spider. It also serves as a way for the spider to protect itself from birds as well as catch food.

To me, networking is like a spiderweb: In my world, I am the spider in the centre of the web and my network is my support structure around me. Everything I do in the centre of my web effects those around me in some way, so I need to ensure I look after my web and in return it will look after me.

A bit loose on the analogy? Perhaps, but when you really think it, it has legs. Hopefully more than six.

During my search for a job, I have been told several times that the most successful method of landing a role is through networking. 70% of roles secured in 2011 were through networking, followed by 10% through advertisements. With those kind of figures, I am placing a greater emphasis on networking.

It really got me thinking about how many people might be in my own network. At first guess I estimated I knew more than 100 people. When I put more effort into my research, I could easily fill up a spreadsheet with over 1000. Friends, family, colleagues, team mates from sporting activities, friends I’ve met through travelling, children’s friends parents, people I’ve met in coffee shops, on buses..... the list goes on. I may talk to a lot of people, but the reality is each of us will also have an impressive network.  

It’s what we do with this network that’s important; we have a choice to nurture it, or abuse it.

I’m not going to go out and ask my 1000 contacts if they have a job for me because not only is that wrong, but by applying direct pressure to my network I am also damaging it. Like a spiderweb, once the damage is done its hard to repair.

I am however going to let my network know that I’m looking for a new role, because each person in my network knows more people (lets say 1000) - who also might happen to know 1000 more people and all of a sudden my network has expanded to 10,000,000 people.

I choose to nurture my network by keeping in touch with people, meeting up, sharing knowledge and helping when I can. To date I feel well protected by my network where people I know have helped me with introductions, references and generally keeping in touch to see how I’m going.

I’m not normally a fan of spiders, but the ones that make webs are clever little creatures.

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